My name is Chrystal Hoyle, I am a mother of two wonderful humans, Brooklyn and Ballard and wife of a great man, Jonathan Hoyle. We live in Lincoln county, where I have lived all my adult life. I have been employed at the same agency (Partnership for Children of Lincoln/Gaston) for over 22 years. Our Agency is a Smart Start, state and federal funding agency. We lead, advocate and collaborate with others to ensure the wellbeing of children 0-5 years old. I am the coordinator of the North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten Programs that serves Lincoln County Schools and private sites. I am an educator, facilitator and work with wonderful teachers throughout our county. Outside of my regular job, I am involved in my church and community. I have the honor of serving our community in a variety of ways. I serve as chair of Lincoln County DSS Board county commissioner appointed, was the past chair of Hesed House of Hope Board (term up in Dec. 2021), and am now serving on the United Way of Lincoln County Board of Directors. I also serve on the adoption committee, which brings me great joy. My passion is to help be a resource to others and make positive change happen in our community for agencies, individuals as well as families.
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